Muwala Water Ski Club
Event partners
This event was an activity from the Technology uptake program project funded by Agrifutures Australia.
This workshop is an opportunity for farmers and agronomists to discuss Ag Tech in the region and share what apps are proven to work well and what technology is falling short.
What we'll cover
Presentations from Ag Tech companies and insight to connectivity improvements in the local area.
The workshop will be followed by a field walk to a local Mulwala farm, looking into practices that aim to increase systems over time. GRDC Emerging Leader recipient, Mat Dunn, an agronomist from NSW DPI will be in attendance to share his insights and results from this project.
- Local farmer and agronomist discussion group
- NBN Co presentation on connectivity and area upgrades
- Bayer FieldView presentation and discussion
- Weather Station technology presentation and discussion
- Safe Ag Systems technology presentation and discussion
- Agriwebb technology presentation and discussion
- Field walk of early sowing site – Riverine Plains Project Officer Rhiannan McPhee and Project Manager Kate Coffey will go through 2023 project details.
- Matt Dunn (NSW DPI) to present results of last year and how this year is panning out.

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