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Connecting and creating opportunities for young people, women in rural communities and business managers to grow their skills.

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Riverine Plains delivers a variety of programs that aim to increase opportunities for people involved in farming, or who are in the early stages of their agricultural careers. Our suite of programs sits separately to our traditional production-based projects, with each having a well-defined people or business focus.

Riverine Plains’ programs aim to bring people together in a way that supports strong and connected communities. Peer and mentor networks are incredibly important in agriculture, and our program events are designed to help people meet, explore new ideas, and come up with solutions to real-world problems.

For example, finding good staff can be difficult given the seasonal nature of work on the farm and the distance from major centres. Our programs aim to help local faming businesses attract and retain skilled staff to support their production and business needs, through practical training in safety and people management, communication and business processes. 

Managing farm businesses efficiently, professionally and sustainably requires farm owners and managers to be across many areas of administration, governance and finance. Our programs are specifically designed to support awareness of farm risk and risk mitigation strategies, as well as access to current and future local and global markets.

Program highlights

  • The 2024 Youth in Ag: Graze Dinner, at which Nikki Davey from Grown not Flown, and Callan Daley, a young professional in the beef industry, shared their experiences with 90 young people from across the region. 
  • The 2023 Ladies Lunch, hosted guest speakers Sally Sara, renowned journalist, author, and Order of Australia Medal recipient and Shona Gawel, CEO of GrainGrowers Limited, who shared some of their inspiring personal and professional experiences.

Youth in Ag

Riverine Plains is empowering the next generation of agricultural leaders. Learn how our Youth in Ag Program is benefitting young people in agriculture, through our program of events, scholarships and student membership. 

Youth in Ag - Feature-1

Ladies Lunch

Riverine Plains celebrates International Rural Women’s Day over a gourmet lunch. Learn how this event connects and inspires rural women, with influential speakers sharing their stories and experiences of rural communities.

Ladies Lunch - Feature

Better Business

Riverine Plains is committed to building capacity in our farming community. The Better Business program is building skills for farm business managers across the vital areas of the financial, governance and human resource management. 

Better Business - Feature


Our research and extension projects are providing solutions to complex agricultural issues, to help farmers solve their practical and business challenges.



Discover our upcoming events – from webinars and seminars to workshops and field days.


Discover unique perspectives on agriculture from across the Riverine Plains.

Assessing frost damage & making decisions on hay vs grain
Rainfall and soil moisture update, September 2024
Choosing a nitrogen strategy
Youth in Ag: GRAZE 2024
Farming Digital: using integration to create efficiencies on-farm
Understanding your slug risk this season
Using dry sowing as a tool to manage risk
Preventing herbicide resistance from reducing your grain yields
Sykesy’s Buraja Meeting back for 2024
Reducing the risk of cereal losses from Fusarium crown rot