Boorhaman Hall
Event partners
This event is an activity of the 'Optimising soils and available water to improve drought resilience' project which is supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund – Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Grants Program, and is co-funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Thanks to John Kirkegaard (CSIRO) and Mat Dunn (NSW DPI) for providing their expertise on the day.
What we'll cover
John Kirkegaard (CSIRO) and Mat Dunn (NSW DPI) will speak on
the Improved Drought Resilience Through Optimal Management of Soil and Water project.
Focus areas of rotations with legumes, N-banking and early sowing
FAR Australia will present findings from the
Other locally relevant projects
Allan Hooper – North East Water will also speak.
For more information contact Senior Project Officer Jane McInnes, jane@riverineplains.org.au.