- About
- Our People
The Riverine Plains team works with farmers, researchers and partners to support sustainable, profitable and productive agriculture for our farms and our community.
Riverine Plains staff have a range of experience covering fields as diverse as agriculture, research, field work, communications, business and industry. The team has extensive practical on-farm experience, providing know-how and capacity to deliver on the Riverine Plains purpose.

Pip Grant
Chief Executive Officer

Pip Grant
Chief Executive Officer
(2023 - present)
Pip is an agricultural innovation and technology adoption specialist, with a focus on identifying new science, technology and practices to increase farm productivity, resilience, and sustainability.
With over 15 years’ experience designing and implementing programs to benefit regional, rural and remote communities, Pip is passionate about supporting increased knowledge, capacity and connectivity of those working in rural industries and locations.
This was Pip’s first year as Riverine Plains CEO and she brought a focus on strategic alignment of the organisation to meet the needs of Riverine Plains members.

Brooke Sanderson
Business Operations Manager

Brooke Sanderson
Business Operations Manager
(2022 -present)
Brooke oversees the day-to-day business operations of the group, driving strong governance, compliance, and financial management practices across the organisation’s operations and projects.
Brooke brings extensive experience in logistics, bookkeeping, and project management, and also coordinates the organisation’s HR activities, including training and development, as well as recruitment.
Currently, Brooke is coordinating the delivery of significant work, health, and safety training across the whole team. Brooke also managed the relocation to new premises, along with the implementation of a new governance and project management system.

Kate Coffey
Senior Project Manager

Kate Coffey
Senior Project Manager
(2013 - present)
Kate has been working with local farm businesses for over 20-years, with extensive experience in agricultural economics, in-field research and project management.
An expert in extension and adoption, Kate leads the Farmer and Community Engagement activities across the organisation and has a focus on ensuring local farm business have access to critical and timely information, knowledge, and technologies.
Currently, Kate is working to lead significant multi-stakeholder projects, including the Robust Weather Station & Soil Moisture Network, which was completely upgraded to ensure continuity and increased access to reliable local weather data.

Jane McInnes
Senior Project Manager

Jane McInnes
Senior Project Manager
(2019 - present)
Jane specialises in soils and manages a number of soils-related projects, including those focused on managing subsoil acidity and soil health. Jane has a background in surface water modelling and gully erosion research and brings strong mapping and computing skills to the team.
Jane has taken over leadership of the organisation’s Field Trial & Agronomy activities, with a focus on delivering high-integrity in-field research and experiments. This included the adoption of precision agriculture technologies and the engagement of leading technical specialists to drive targeted projects addressing the critical needs of Riverine Plains farmers.

Lynnette O’Reilly
Finance and Governance Manager

Lynnette O’Reilly
Finance and Governance Manager
(2023 - present)
Lynnette has extensive experience in working collaboratively across communities, government and business, with significant experience in regional development, local government, vocational education and training.
Previously holding General Manager, CEO, and Director roles in local and state government, and vocational education and training across regional and remote mining areas of Western Australia, Lynnette provides financial management, governance, and system support to Riverine Plains.
Currently, Lynette is working on reviewing the organisations risk, compliance, and financial management processes, along with supporting the implementation of a new governance and project management system.

Lynn Macaulay
Member Engagement Manager

Lynn Macaulay
Member Engagement Manager
(2022 - present)
Lynn leads Riverine Plains’ member engagement through the design and delivery of member-focussed events and activities, along with regular member consultation to ensure the organisation is aligned to member needs.
With a degree in Agriculture Business Management and experience working on broadacre cropping farms across Australia and in the United Kingdom, Lynn is passionate about farming and has a keen interest in innovation, diversification and technology in agriculture.
Currently, Lynn is leading member engagement activities and developing new activities to respond to member needs and feedback. Lynn has also played a key role in the development and launch of the new Riverine Plains website, with a focus on content that delivers increased value to Riverine Plains farmers.

Michelle Pardy
Communications Manager

Michelle Pardy
Communications Manager
(2016 - present)
Michelle has over 20 years’ experience working in agriculture and communications, and has held roles in government, corporate agribusiness and not-for-profit sectors. With a background in grain production, and extensive experience in agricultural communications and extension, Michelle is passionate about supporting farmers to access the information that can improve the profitability and sustainability of their businesses.
Currently, Michelle is working on leading the design, development, and launch of the new Riverine Plains website, with the goal of connecting farmers with relevant information when they need it. Michelle also coordinates and produces the Riverine Plains Trial Book, along with driving other organisational and project communications.

Claudia Pattinson
Communications Manager

Claudia Pattinson
Communications Manager
(2022 - present)
Claudia manages Riverine Plains’ communications channels as well as engagement with Riverine Plains’ Partners. Claudia’s role is to ensure that there is an effective strategy in place to manage both internal and external communications.
Claudia has a family farming background, which has given her a connection to and a love of country life. Claudia holds a Bachelor of Media and Communications from the University of New England.
This year Claudia was a key driver of partner engagement and the Youth in Ag Graze event.

Sophie Hanna
Project Manager (Livestock)

Sophie Hanna
Project Manager (Livestock)
(2023 - present)
Sophie has a background in beef cattle production and is particularly interested in livestock production, soil science and genetics.
Having completed a Bachelor of Agriculture at The University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in acid soil amelioration at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Sophie is passionate about improving farm productivity and efficiency.
Sophie is managing a number of livestock-related projects that are working to advance livestock and pasture production efficiencies, including three mixed farming demonstration trials. Sophie has also delivered projects focused on using eID technology to collect data and improve livestock management, pasture establishment and management, as well as the effective use of stock containment areas.

Sayra Samudio
Extension Officer

Sayra Samudio
Extension Officer
(2024 - present)
Sayra has a background in regenerative agriculture projects in both Paraguay and Argentina, and her interest lies in the development of agricultural systems that are productive and environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable.
Sayra holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering from the National University of Asuncion and a Masters in Agricultural Sciences with a focus on sustainable food production from the University of Melbourne.
Sayra is involved in various Riverine Plains projects and events, with a focus on those related to carbon farming and sustainability. Currently, Sayra is working on the On-Farm Stock Water Management project. She is also developing strategies to globally scan for relevant knowledge and technologies that have potential to deliver value to Riverine Plains’ farmers.

Sabita Duwal
Project Support Officer

Sabita Duwal
Project Support Officer
(2024 - present)
Sabita plays an important role across multiple projects, working closely with farmers while also providing technical support to assist Riverine Plains’ project teams.
With a Master of Science degree in plant pathology and valuable experience in soil science gained from Western Sydney University, Sabita has a keen interest in plant microbes and their interactions with soil and plants.
Currently, Sabita is working on delivering many in-field projects, including leading farmer consultation to better understand regional challenges with slugs and monitoring their prevalence under different seasonal conditions and management practices.

Laura O’Riordan
Community Engagement Manager

Laura O’Riordan
Community Engagement Manager
(2024 - present)
Laura is responsible for developing strategies to support membership growth and engagement and is leading the delivery of key showcase events. Laura has deep roots in farming and a strong connection to the region, and is known for her passion and drive.
Bringing extensive marketing and events experience to the organisation, along with a keen understanding of the local farming community, Laura is re-thinking how we engage with farmers effectively and is developing new strategies to transfer knowledge and increase community connectivity.
Currently, Laura is working on the delivery of our flagship events, and the continued roll out of Riverine Plains’ refreshed brand.

Juan Ortiz Fiorio
Field Officer

Juan Ortiz Fiorio
Field Officer
(2024 - present)
As a veterinarian graduated from the National University of Asuncion, Juan has extensive experience in farm management and animal health and nutrition.
Juan is passionate about agribusiness and animal genetics. As a Field Officer, he is committed to working closely with farmers to build a future where productivity, sustainability and animal welfare go hand in hand.
Currently, Juan is adding much needed capacity to the organisations in-field activities, along with delivering an extensive review of grain related R,D & E projects to better inform new project development for coming years.

Peter Chen
Digital Project Officer

Peter Chen
Digital Project Officer
(2024 - present)
Peter is passionate about leveraging technology to enhance productivity, sustainability and resilience in agricultural systems. In the role of Digital Project Officer, Peter is working with new technologies, while also managing and interpreting data to provide useful insights for farmers.
Peter has a background in agricultural extension projects in Taiwan and holds a Bachelor of Agronomy from National Chiayi University and a Master’s in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Melbourne.
Currently, Peter is providing support for the transition of the Robust Weather & Soil Moisture Network to a more sustainable model, including reviewing strategies, supporting the transfer of historical data, and engaging with members.

Matthew de Roos
Field Trial Manager

Matthew de Roos
Field Trial Manager
(2024 - present)
As Field Trial Manager, Matt’s role is to oversee on-farm trials and projects, communicating and collaborating with farmers and stakeholders to achieve results that will benefit and improve agricultural practices.
Matt has extensive on-and-off-farm experience from previous roles in Australia and Canada and is passionate about engaging farmers in on-farm experimentation while ensuring the least disruption to their farm businesses.
Currently, Matt is working on many in-field project functions, along with conducting an extensive review of existing and emerging precision agriculture technologies. This aims to increase the organisation’s trial capabilities, along with better understanding the tools which have the potential to deliver value back to Riverine Plains’ farmers.
Tasmin Kelly
New Initiatives Manager
Tasmin Kelly
New Initiatives Manager
(2024 - present)
Tas is the New Initiatives Manager, focusing on developing and implementing innovative programs and initiatives that support the needs of Riverine Plains farmers. With a Bachelor of Business Management from Charles Sturt University, Tas is passionate about improving farming business practices and driving innovation within the agricultural sector.
Growing up on a mixed sheep and cropping farm in the Riverina, Tas has a strong personal connection to farming and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the industry. With experience in agricultural research, Tas brings a business-minded approach to the development of new initiatives at Riverine Plains, ensuring that each program aligns with both current industry trends and the evolving needs of members.
The Riverine Plains Board is overseen by a voluntary Board of six Member Directors and an Independent Director.

Fiona Marshall

Fiona Marshall
Fiona farms with her husband Craig in the Rennie area, north of Mulwala. They are broadacre, dryland grain growers also operating a prime lamb enterprise. They have been farming together for 26 years and hope their children will be fourth generation farmers in this area.
Fiona is a life-long learner with a background in applied science and education. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the NFF Diversity in Ag Leadership Program and the Grains Social Leadership Program. Fiona has served on the GRDC Southern Panel and is passionate about building capacity within the grains industry from the laboratory to the farm, to the end user and all in between.
Fiona strives to improve the profile and profitability of Australian agriculture with a particular focus on women in the industry.

Melissa Brown
Deputy Chair

Melissa Brown
Deputy Chair
Melissa Brown has been a committee member since 2018 and is one of the inaugural Member Directors of Riverine Plains.
She is a partner in a family-run mixed farming business, Moorilim Pastoral Company, based near Murchison, Victoria. Melissa is currently employed by BASF Agricultural Solutions as the Technical Development Manager for Broadacre crops and has extensive field trial experience and understanding of agronomic systems across Australia.
Melissa has a Bachelor of Agriculture from Dookie College and is an Australian Rural Leadership Foundation Alumni. She is passionate about improving her community and promoting agriculture as a career pathway for the next generation.

Murray Scholz

Murray Scholz
Murray Scholz is the owner and manager of his family farming business producing grain, oilseeds, beef and lamb in the eastern Riverina. He has been a member of Riverine Plains for over 15 years.
Murray is an experienced Board Director with over 10 years of commercial and not for profit experience in strategic direction, financial management, corporate governance and communication strategy in commercial agricultural business, capacity building, and research.
He has served as a director of Nuffield Australia, of Queensland Crop Research and Holbrook Landcare. He is currently a director of Regional Development Australia Murray Region and Riverine Plains Farming Systems Group. He sits on the NSW Rural Assistance Authority Disaster Assistance Grants Appeals Panel. He also sat on the Industry Advisory Panel of the Graham Centre (Charles Sturt University & NSW DPI) and GRDC Southern NSW Grower Network.
Murray is a nationally recognised innovator and his experience in agriculture has led him to present at conferences in Canada, India, and Japan. In Australia he has presented at government, industry and university conferences including ABARES National Outlook Conference, Australian Farm Institute conferences, and GRDC updates.
Murray is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and completed The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP Texas A&M).

Luke Mathews

Luke Mathews
Luke Mathews joined the family farm at Corowa in March 2020 after nearly two decades in corporate agribusiness, commodity research and marketing, and agricultural policy and advocacy roles.
The family business incorporates dryland and irrigated broadacre cropping, lucerne hay production, beef cattle, commercial wool production and the Borambil Merino and Poll Merino Stud.
Luke is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Ryan Berndt
General Board Member

Ryan Berndt
General Board Member
Ryan Berndt joined the Board of Riverine Plains in October 2022.
Ryan farms with his wife Stephanie in the Strathmerton, Victoria, area and also has a property in southern NSW. They are irrigated and dryland winter crop growers with the main crops being wheat, barley and canola, and also trade sheep. Ryan and Stephanie are first generation farmers, having purchased their first block 10 years ago.
Prior to returning home to the farm in 2022, Ryan spent 18 years in corporate agribusiness. He has held numerous roles in agronomy and national fertiliser management, including with Elders, Hi Fert, Impact, Viterra, Ruralco and Nutrien.

Anna Toland
General Board Member

Anna Toland
General Board Member
Anna Toland is a third-generation farmer and owns and operates Toland Poll Merino Stud located at Violet Town, Victoria. After completing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 2003 at The University of Melbourne, she relocated to Roseworthy, South Australia to undertake further studies in wool science. Following a year managing 500,000 acres and 25,000 sheep, she returned to the farm at the end of 2008 and has since been working alongside her husband Simon and father Phil.
Toland Poll has been utilising EIDs since 2007 and collects roughly 60 traits over the lifetime of a ewe. The focus of the stud initially was on reproduction and wool traits, but in the last 10 years a lot more focus has been put on the carcass attributes of the animal as well. Utilising EIDs has improved the accuracy and efficiency of data recorded.

Brondwen MacLean
Independent Board Director

Brondwen MacLean
Independent Board Director
Brondwen MacLean is a Director of Pivotal Management Consulting. Until her retirement in July 2019, she was General Manager of Research Programs at the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and spent over 20 years at GRDC in various parts of the business, including Senior Manager of Breeding Programs.
Brondwen served as Executive Manager on all three of GRDC’s Regional Panels. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has been a mentor is several programs, including NFF’s Diversity in Agricultural Leadership Program. Since retiring, Brondwen has consulted for the CRC for Developing Northern Australia, undertaken company governance and structural reviews, for both the public and private sector and assisted AgriFutures Australia in their establishment of the growAG platform and more broadly across the business.
Brondwen was an interim Director for Rice Breeding Australia, a newly established company focused on delivering better (more water efficient) rice varieties for Australian growers. Currently Brondwen is undertaking a number of consultancies in areas of biosecurity, governance and structural reforms.

Stephen Thomas
Independent Board Director

Stephen Thomas
Independent Board Director
Steve Thomas has a degree in Agricultural Science, a PhD focussed on plant molecular biology and an Executive Masters in Public Administration.
Steve’s passion is assisting farmers to be profitable and sustainable in the challenging Australian environment. He has led NSW Department of Primary Industries biotechnology programs and was heavily involved in policy development for the commercial release of GM canola, before transitioning to R&D management and policy development.
Steve has also coordinated strategy development for GRDC and contributed to a range of industry initiatives, leading programs in extension and adoption, applied R&D, commercialisation, IP management, systems improvement, process design and culture change.
He now brings his enthusiasm, focus and intelligent perspective to ST Strategic Services to provide his clients with a dedicated approach to strategy and policy development and implementation.