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Burramine Field Day

Paddock Walk

Thursday 15 August 2024
8:45am start
Burramine Hall



Burramine Hall

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This event is delivered through the Assessing soil water storage and Building soil resilience and carbon through plant diversity projects, funded by the Soil CRC.

This event is also part of the Silicon fertiliser for drought resilience in broadacre cropping project, which received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and was led by The University of Melbourne (project lead - Associate Professor Dorin Gupta), with partners Riverine Plains, Birchip Cropping Group, Gap Flat Native Foods, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority and Black Duck Foods.



We'll meet at the Burramine Hall (Yarrawonga-Katamatite Rd, Burramine) at 8:45 am, before moving out to the "Stinking Goat' site.
Morning tea and lunch provided.
Program includes:
  • Soil pit and moisture monitoring discussion: what's below the surface, and how to look and feel to better understand your soil: Sam North, NSW DPI
  • Tour of long-term companion cropping trials looking at building resilient soils through plant diversity: Jane McInnes, Riverine Plains, and Dr Abe Gibson, Southern Cross University
  • Enhancing resilience - discussing the benefits of silicon supplementation and dual-purpose cropping: Associate Professor Dorin Gupta, Professor Bill Malcolm, Dr Alexis Pang, The University of Melbourne.
The "Enhancing resilience - discussing the benefits of silicon supplementation and dual-purpose cropping” session will provide an opportunity for farmers to learn about sustainable practices that enhance drought resilience, diversify incomes, and reduce risks. There will be a focus on understanding the benefits of silica supplementation under stressed environments and the impact of dual-purpose crops and native vegetation on soil health. A cost-benefit analysis for farm profitability will also be presented. Speakers include A/Prof Dorin Gupta, Project Leader and Crop Scientist; Prof Bill Malcolm, Economist; Dr Alexis Pang, Soil Scientist. There will also be a Q&A session and facilitated discussion.  This session is delivered through the Whole-systems Redesign of Broadacre Farming of SE Australia project, which was designed to evaluate and demonstrate proven farming practices to cope with and recover from climatic stresses like drought. This project was funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and led by the University of Melbourne.

For more information, please contact Riverine Plains on 03 5744 1713 or email Jane McInnes at jane@riverineplains.org.au

Burramine Field Day 2024 v2

Download printable Burramine Field Day flyer (pdf).


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