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Members of Riverine Plains must adhere to our code of conduct:

  • I agree to act honestly and in good faith and in the best interests of the association as a whole in my capacity as member or affiliate
  • I will make every effort to ensure that my conduct is above reproach in the view of reasonable fair minded and informed persons
  • I will uphold the values of the organisation, those being respect, integrity, innovation, diligence and connection in my capacity as member or affiliate
  • I understand and will act accordingly in demonstrating a duty of care to other members or affiliates of the association at association run events and initiatives
  • I agree to use the powers of the organisation for proper purpose, in the best interests of the association
  • I will not make improper use of information acquired as a member or affiliate of this organisation
  • I will abide by the Riverine Plains Sexual Harrasment and Discrimination policy
  • I will not take improper advantage of the position of member
  • I will properly declare, where appropriate, any conflicts of interest I have with the association
  • I will not behave in a way that undermines the objects of the association in accordance with section 3 of the constitution
  • Confidential information received pertaining to details of the association will be kept just so
  • I will not engage in any conduct that is likely to bring the association’s name and reputation into disrepute
  • I will always comply, with the spirit and principles of this organisation as well as the letter of the law
  • If engaged in a formal complaints process through the organisation, I commit to performing duties required to resolve the complaint within 1 month.

As a member of Riverine Plains Inc (the association), I agree to the code of conduct and understand that upon contravention of any of the above, I can, upon decision by the board, have my membership revoked.