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Evan Moll Gerogery Field Day 2021

The Evan Moll Gerogery Field Day will be held on Thursday 11 November, 2021, at the Moll family property, ‘Elderslie’, from 8:30am to 1pm.


The Evan Moll Gerogery Field Day will be held on Thursday 11 November, 2021, at the Moll family property, ‘Elderslie’, from 8:30am to 1pm.

The event has been hosted by the Moll family for over 80 years and features a tour of the GRDC National Variety Trials (NVT) wheat and canola trials, led by Peter Matthews, NSW DPI (wheat NVT discussion) and  Don McCaffery, NSW DPI (canola NVT discussion).

Riverine Plains Project Officer, Kate Coffey, and host Daniel Moll, will also speak about the results from the GRDC Hyper Yielding Crops project canola x nitrogen rate demonstration, as well as any carryover effects seen in this year’s grazed DS Bennett wheat crop.

Drought is part of the Australian landscape and the Field Day will also have a focus on drought preparedness.

Riverine Plains is involved in both the Southern NSW and Victoria Drought Hubs, as well as the the FRRR’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program, funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. These projects all have a focus on delivering solutions to farmers and rural communities and Riverine Plains will begin our in-person consultation process at Gerogery, to start understanding and designing programs for our members and the broader community.

A free BBQ lunch will be provided by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, through the Enhancing Community Networks for Drought Resilience in the Riverine Plains project, in conjunction with Seed Force.

This COVID-safe event will be held according to current NSW State Government regulations. Attendees will be required to check-in and show proof of vaccination. 

Registrations for this event have closed.


Michelle Pardy
Communications Manager Bachelor of Agricultural Science

28 October 2021



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