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Drought preparation webinar series: Part 3 - Livestock

This article addresses how livestock farmers can using the good times to prepare for drought. Topics include managing livestock energy requirements, trigger points for decision making, market indicators and volatility drivers.

FRRR Drought preparation webinar - livestock

Key messages

  • The endpoint for lamb producers is having finished lambs ready to go, regardless of a wet or dry season 

  • Plan for poor seasons by developing a feed budget; determine tonnages required and be proactive in securing feed supply (any unused grain/fodder can be sold) 

  • Ensure potential rations suit the various livestock classes (i.e. lambs vs pregnant/lactating ewes vs dry sheep) 

  • Ensure nutrition to achieve good lamb growth rates; this will keep the options open for them as future potential breeders or as a saleable product 

  • Know whether heavier or lighter lambs are the target when planning for drought. 

Riverine Plains recently hosted a Plan for your Lamb drought preparation webinar for livestock producers as part of a project supported by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. 

Farm consultant and nutritionist Brad Weeks (CRC Agrisolutions) spoke on managing livestock energy requirements and the trigger points for decision making, while Stephen Bignell, Market Information Manager with Meat and Livestock Australia, spoke on market indicators and drivers of volatility within the market. 

Watch the whole webinar:

Disclaimer: The opinions and thoughts expressed in this webinar reflect only the speakers views and are not necessarily the views of Riverine Plains Inc.


Michelle Pardy
Communications Manager Bachelor of Agricultural Science

30 June 2022



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