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Recording of virtual cover & intercropping field day

Riverine Plains hosted a cover cropping and intercropping virtual field day during September, 2020, with the event recording available online.

Riverine Plains hosted a cover cropping and intercropping virtual field day during September, 2020, with the event recording available online.

The field day included a virtual tour of a long-term trial site established by Riverine Plains at Burramine, Victoria, which is looking at how increasing the diversity of crop species using summer cover cropping, green/brown manuring, intercropping or companion cropping, can impact soil function and winter crop yields, as well as profitability.

The event featured discussions with Dr Cassandra Schefe (AgriSci) who gave a site and project overview, Professor Terry Rose (Southern Cross University) who spoke on results from 2019, Nathan Lawless (Burramine) as the host farmer and Brendan Christy (Agriculture Victoria) who spoke on the Intercropping to exploit rainfall for profit trial also sown at the site.

To download the Riverine Plains Virtual Field Day notes on Increasing diversity in cropping systems, please click here.

To download the Agriculture Victoria Virtual Field Day notes on the Intercropping to exploit rainfall for profit trial please click here.

To watch the (YouTube) video recording, press play.



Michelle Pardy
Communications Manager Bachelor of Agricultural Science

8 September 2020



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