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Drought preparation webinar series: Part 1 - Grain growers

While farmers in the Riverine Plains have had a few good seasons in a row, drought is inevitable and the next dry period might only be around the corner. This article addresses how grain farmers can using the good times to prepare for drought.

FRRR Drought prep webinar grain growers


Key points 

  • Understand your appetite for risk during a drought 

  • Continually monitor and manage crops to understand how drought could impact production and marketing. 

  • Work on business resilience in good times (i.e. through diversification or investing in infrastructure/land improvements likely to be beneficial in dry years) 

  • Be aware of changing soil moisture conditions and the weather outlook, and be prepared to alter strategies accordingly. 


While the past few growing seasons have been favourable in terms of pricing and production for most Riverine Plains grain farmers, drought is inevitable, and the next drought or dry time might only be around the corner. 

As part of a project supported by FRRR, through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, Riverine Plains recently ran a webinar for grain growers focussing on preparing for the challenges of future drought.  

Adrian Clancy, Farmanco, spoke at the webinar and gave some insights into grain marketing strategies for dry times. Fiona and Glen Baxter run an irrigation and dryland operation at Berrigan with various summer and winter crops and Glen spoke about their farming operation and how they manage risk within their business.

Watch the whole webinar:

Disclaimer: The opinions and thoughts expressed in this webinar reflect only the speakers views and are not necessarily the views of Riverine Plains Inc.


Kate Coffey
Senior Project Manager Bachelor of Agricultural Economics, Grad Diploma in Financial Administration

23 June 2022



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