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February 2024

Herbicide resistance can be expensive, both in terms of yield loss and the time and cost of alternative controls. So how can you identify and manage the risks on your farm?

September 2023

Riverine Plains is excited to host the inaugural Ladies Luncheon on Saturday 14 October 2023 at St Leonard’s Vineyard, Wahgunyah, in celebration of International Rural Women’s Day.

September 2023

Sally Sara (Australian journalist and TV presenter) and Shona Gawel (GrainGrowers CEO), are the keynote speakers at the Riverine Plains Ladies Luncheon, celebrating International Rural Women’s Day.

February 2021

Sykesy’s Buraja Meeting 2021 saw local farmers and advisors come along to debrief the 2020 season. The event also hosted the NSW Country Hour.

August 2020

The Riverine Plains In-Season Update was held online during August 2020, providing farmers with an opportunity to discuss likely issues this spring.