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Pulse Check discussion group – Southern

Practical insights, expert guidance, and cutting-edge research from the GRDC's Southern Pulse Agronomy program.

This project was completed in 2021.

Project Officer
Kate Coffey


Pulses are an important break crop in cropping rotations, providing opportunities for weed, pest and disease management, as well as opportunities to increase soil nitrogen.

Grain growers were supported to diversify into pulse crops in non-traditional production areas of Victoria and South Australia through a GRDC initiative, the Southern Pulse Extension project. This investment aimed to provide growers and their advisers with the information and resources needed to make informed decisions and maximise possible production and income potential from pulses.

At the core of the project was the establishment of southern “Pulse Check” discussion groups across Victoria and South Australia.

In short: Pulse Check discussion groups promoted pulse crop adoption in Victoria and South Australia. Discussion group meetings fostered practical learning and knowledge exchange between growers and advisers, enhancing pulse production expertise 

The Pulse Check groups met four times a year over the life of the project to discuss issues relating to pulse crop production, management, and marketing. The groups focused on a “back to basics” approach to pulse production, through practical in-field learning and group discussion.

Each group consisted of growers and advisers with varying experience in production of lentils or chickpeas. Those with no or limited experience were encouraged to take advantage of a unique opportunity to learn from more experienced growers in their region and experts in the industry.

Project focus

The Riverine Plains Southern Pulse Check group was established in the Dookie region in time for the 2017 harvest. With canola the predominant break crop for the area, the Pulse Check group meetings became a valuable source of information for growers interested in alternative break crops.

The group met for pre-seeding, establishment, canopy closure and pre-harvest meetings, covering a range of topics from paddock selection and successful pulse crop establishment, through to pest and weed management, the effect of acid soils on pulse potential and harvest, storage and marketing options. 

Much of the information delivered to growers and advisers through the Pulse Check initiative was generated from the GRDC’s Southern Pulse Agronomy program. This program, led by Agriculture Victoria pulse agronomist Dr Jason Brand, made a significant contribution to the rise in pulse production across the southern region. Southern Pulse Agronomy trial sites were spread throughout SA and Victoria, including a site near Dookie during 2019.

Results from the Southern Pulse Agronomy trials were published in Research for the Riverine Plains, 2021

Find out more

For further information, please contact Riverine Plains Senior Project Manager Kate Coffey at kate@riverineplains.org.au

Project investment

This project was funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).


Focus areas


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