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Demonstrating ryegrass control strategies

Ryegrass is a major weed of cropping systems in the Riverine Plains. We are working with farmers, researchers and advisors to reduce the risk of herbicide-resistant ryegrass developing, to prevent significant productivity and profitability losses.


Project Officer
Rhiannan McPhee


A local GRDC National Grower Network industry meeting identified the management of ryegrass as a priority issue for northeast Victoria.  

Cereals form a key part of the rotation for growers in the region, with anecdotal reports of increased ryegrass numbers in this phase due to limited control options. The situation has been exacerbated by poor trafficability in wet and waterlogged paddocks over recent years and excessively wet conditions have also impacted on pre-emergent weed control for some product uses. Consequently, there is interest in exploring management strategies in other phases of the rotation, to drive down ryegrass numbers.

In short: This project is evaluating diverse ryegrass management strategies, with the aim of enhancing crop yield and combating herbicide resistance.

Another consideration is changes in dormancy of annual ryegrass, leading to staggered germination. This is likely a response of local ryegrass populations adapting to control measures and timings. Significant crop yield losses due to the competitive nature of annual ryegrass and the high input costs required to manage this and prevent ongoing seed set, make this an economically significant issue for local growers.  

Project focus

Riverine Plains has established a demonstration trial at Wahgunyah to demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated weed management strategies for control of annual ryegrass. The trial will assess various ryegrass control strategies over the 2023–2024 growing seasons and will evaluate chemical and cultural management techniques on ryegrass numbers.

Ryegrass populations will be assessed for each treatment at early, mid and late stages of crop development and crop yield will also be measured.

Project outcomes

Various extension and communication activities will help increase the understanding of the different management strategies available for annual ryegrass populations as well as the increasing knowledge on herbicide resistance across the region.  

Further reading

Find out more

For further information, please contact Riverine Plains Project Manager, Rhiannan McPhee at rhiannan@riverineplains.org.au

Project investment

This is a project investment by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).


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