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January 2024
How to test your paddocks for crown rot and prevent yield losses caused by a build-up of the disease over recent seasons.
November 2023
Riverine Plains is aiming to help farmers improve their drought resilience though a significant project.
May 2023
Sulphur is important for crop growth, especially in canola, but how much is left in our soils given the high rainfall and high yields of the past few seasons?
February 2023
Summer and early autumn provides an opportunity for Riverine Plains farmers to treat soil constraints, such as acidity and sodicity, between winter crops. So, what are the issues to consider?
July 2022
Any soil test is a good test - testing to depth will pick up constraints limiting production. Understanding soil moisture will help manage production risk.
June 2022
Understanding how to measure your soil acidity and incorporating appropriate liming strategies are crucial management tools in soil health.
April 2021
Riverine Plains has recently completed a region-first project looking into the viability and practicality of increasing soil carbon for trading through the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction...