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Hyper profitable crops

This project aims to bridge the gap between current crop yields and their full profitability potential.


Project Officer
Kate Coffey


The Hyper profitable props (HPC) project is an initiative that has been launched to significantly boost on-farm profitability for wheat and barley growers in Australia’s high rainfall zones. This project aims to bridge the gap between current crop yields and their full profitability potential.

The project builds on the successes of previous GRDC Hyper yielding crops and Hyper yielding cereals work. Its focus is on closing the yield gap through informed decisions on variety selection, sowing dates, fertiliser use, and disease management.

The aim of the project is to provide farmers with the knowledge and support needed to enhance crop yields and profitability, sustainably into the future.

This project aims to help farmers maximise the profitability of their wheat and barley crops, by looking at a range of production drivers.

Project focus

The Hyper profitable crops initiative features:

  • Discussion groups: A discussion group of approximately 15 young farmers and agronomists will meet three times per year to discuss topical agronomic issues and the profitability of different management practices.
  • Benchmarking and trial programs: This project provides an opportunity to benchmark your own wheat or barley paddock and compare it with other farmers in this region. Paddock walks will enable farmers to discuss and see locally relevant research and how it can improve profitability on their farm.
  • Comprehensive cropping manual: The development of a high rainfall zone cropping manual will offer valuable insights and case studies to help guide on-farm decision-making.
  • Regional support: The group will be supported by Riverine Plains, FAR Australia, local agronomists and other specialists as required.

This initiative, which will run over the next three seasons, aims to significantly boost on-farm profitability and sustainable agricultural practices. Farmers participating in the project and discussion group will gain access to cutting-edge agronomic research, peer support, and practical tools to enhance their farming operations.

Farmers interested in hosting a benchmarking paddock, or who wish to be a part of the discussion group, can contact Riverine Plains Member Engagement Officer, Lynn Macaulay by emailing lynn@riverineplains.org.au

This initiative is aimed at growers under 35 years.

Find out more

For further information, please contact Riverine Plains Senior Project Manager, Kate Coffey at kate@riverineplains.org.au

Project investment

This is an investment of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).


This project is led by FAR Australia.

Focus areas


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